Kamis, 17 September 2009


Health trouble can emerge any time, more than anything else if careless us to its(the symptom and cause. Without we realize life style and pattern to eat indisposed is main cause.

Though there is other cause of which cannot be avoided like genetic fakor, contamination of area.

That remain to be healthy, there is many ways to get it. One of them is, follows 7 strike following and gets quality of better life:

1. Cleanness air, lung also healthy

For protected from respiration trouble, breaths in healthy and clean air. Its way ? Not necessarily be busy looks for air pegungungan, morning also hardly good for your lung. Besides avoiding also impure air, like smoke of cigarette, smoke of vehicle or dirt. Cleans house and job(activity room regularly, including furniture, fan and AC.

2. Many drinking white water

White water is the best of any beverage. Accustoms drinking white water 8-10 glasses per day. This habit will assist takes care of fluency of kidney function and channel kemih. Strives to drink warm water between two lights and cold water ( non ice water) day time. Adds also a few juices of lemon orange or lime. Besides good to refreshing x'self, this beverage at the same time assists releases toxin from within body.

3. consumption of Well-balanced and nutritious menu

Select;chooses menu with gizi which is enough, balance, and varies. Multiplies consumption of green vegetables and fruit containing many fibres and nutrient required by fibre body. Can be possibly avoids junk food and processing food, and lessens consumption of salt and sugar. Another, doesn't forget breakfast! Because breakfast can support our activity all day long.

4. Balances between job(activities, athletic and rest

Hard work without rest is not at all there are its(the profit for you. Accustoms regular rest is nocturnal 7-8 hours, and doesn't often begadang or too sleep night. Tried applies spare time time for having athletics light or simply weakening articulation muscles.

With having athletics 2 - 3 times per week, during 30 - 45 minutes, enough making hale body and prunes stamina.

5. Brain job(activity control

Brain, as does our body, him(her also butuh rest. Doesn't too gives burden too much, because brain also has limited memory. Did activity in spare time time making brain to work more easy going, takes example does pleasing hobby, like painting, reads newest novel or just listening music.

6. Experiences life harmoniously

Man was microcosm which must obey nature as macrocosm if s(he wishs remain to healthy. Does it all as preventive effort alwaysly remembers wise people advice for “ makes well before arising thirsty taste”.

Applies common sense! That the key, doesn't sacrifice life with according to x'self hobby through?via habit of ugly life and ice. Takes example, drinks firm, smoking or applies forbidden drugs. Tries to experience life harmoniously, can be possibly minimizes risk the happening of psychical or emotional stres.

7. Applies supplement gizi

Only if needs! Body we require antioxidant ( beta-karoten), ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and selenium. All this matters required by body to increase vitality and lengthens life expectancy. To obtain it many ways which able to be done.

Besides consuming fresh food, can also by the way of consuming supplement of health which many sold in marketing. Better, usage of supplement of food is more suggested as just alternative therapy by majoring supplement type of food which have been checked and useful.


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