Jumat, 18 September 2009


Learning is see, hears, pays attention to, studies, and other activity supporting with a purpose to man is learning can comprehend is is studied it.

Learning is thing which is mandatory done by the students and student. Learning in general is done in school and also in campus when hour(clock Iesson takes place guided by Bapak teacher or Ms. lecturer. Learning that is is not bad is done in house, good with PR ( homework) and also no. Learning done hastyly and time is rather resulting impact that is is good not.

So, how good learning? Is the key? Following its(the tips-tips:

Firstly, Intention and prays.

If not there are intention, learning as hard as any of no use. Prays to God YME to process learning can be facilitated by Him.

Second, Reads.

You must be diligent reads, because with reading,

knowledge we will increase wide.

Third, Always makes Iesson summary.

Key parts of Iesson is better if made note in small paper or book of which can be brought everywhere, so that legible anywhere we stay.

Fourth, Diligent repeats Iesson.

Doesn't tire of repeats is which is just studied, causing is expected thing which have been studied always on file in our memory.

Fifth, Learning seriously and serious.

When learning in class listens and log what is learning explain. Important log because the thing might possibly there is no in book and later will go out when restating or test.

Sixth, Avoids abundant learning. If nearing test, usually the learning students all night long alias system SKS ( system races last night). Way of like this better be avoided, because Iesson which you studies also will not enter fully and can destroy health also. Exactly, if(when the day after you test would, it is better you are timely sleep.

Seventh, Active in questioning.

If there is unclear thing, hence asking to teacher, friend or old fellow. More and more questioning, hence we would considering with the answer.

Eight, Group learning.

Learning group of also is activity of pleasing learning. With existence of friend, event of your learning thus more spirit [of] and can all looks for answer from problem that is most even a difficult.

So(after tips way of good learning, hopefully useful for we all, especially create Echa... ^_^


Sun, 06/05/2007 - 10:48pm — godam64

Learning is thing which is mandatory done by the students and student. Learning in general is done in school when hour(clock Iesson takes place guided by Bapak or Ms. Teacher. Learning that is is not bad is done in house either with and also without pr / homework. Learning done hastyly effect dikejar-kejar time had impact that is is good not.

Following is tips and triks which can become valuable input in preparing x'self in facing restating or test :

1. Group Learning

Learning group of can become activity of learning becomes more pleasingly because accompanied by friend and resides in house x'self causing earns more easy going. But better still be consorted by adult like sister, uncle, aunt or old fellow to learn not to turn into playing. Learning group of it is better invites friend who diligent and is clever learnt so that the dull thus contagious bright. In learning group of its(the activity is study Iesson which has not been comprehended by all or some of group of good learnings which have been explained teacher and also has not been explained teacher.

2. Diligent Makes Note Of Iesson Kernel

Key parts of Iesson is better if made note in small paper or book of which can be brought everywhere so that legible anywhere we stay. But the note doesn't be made media mencontek because can harm our own.

3. Makes Good Planning

To reach a purpose of usually accompanied by good plan. Therefore it is better we block in learning and attainment plan of value to know has activity of learning which we do has is maximum or need to be improved. Accomodates target of attainment ably which we had. Didn't target which which is is first one if the existing of we still outside 10 big in class. Blocks in learning which given high priority at weak subject. Good learning schedule create.

4. Discipline In Learning

If we have scheduled for learnt hence having to implemented carefully. Its(the example like serious and timely learning not triffling with full concentration. If mealtime, bath, religious service, etcetera had arrived hence didn't be procrastinated again. Continues the activity having taken steps learning if studying time had not after. Fiddles around with friend or game can destroy concentration of learning. Be better if activity played at also is scheduled with time which is long enough but didn't tire if it is done prior to learning. If plays at video game better select;choose game educating and doesn't generate high vexed taste and or high sulking taste if fails.

5. Becomes Is Active Questioned and Asked

If there is unclear thing, hence asking to teacher, friend or old fellow. If we enquired usually we will remember the answer. If enquires, enquires sufficiently and doesn't have the character of tests man who we are question. Offers at friend to enquire to us things which s(he has not comprehended. More and more asked hence we to earn increasingly remembers with answer and if us nor knew correct answer, hence we can study it together with friend. Besides

6. Learning Seriously and Serious

When learning in class listens and log what is learning explain. Important log because the thing might possibly there is no in book and later will go out when restating or test. When leeway read again note which had been made is the and knocks by heart be understood. If we had felt stable isotope with a Iesson hence ownself test with problems. After problem is done to investigates answer with answer key. Studies again wrong problems is replied.

7. Avoids Abundant Learning

If test time or restating have been near by usually we would be panic if has not made ready. Short cut that is often done by student which has not made ready is with finite learning of lateness / begadang or makes contekan. Better when test would still sleep is timely because if spends the night semalaman will bring ugly impact for health, especially for children.

8. Honestly In Doing Restating And Test

Avoids mencontek when is doing the problem of restating or test. Mencontek can make our insincere character and Iiar. On no consideration falsehood can be ditutup-tutupi is continuous and tends to does falsehood hereinafter to close over falsehood hereinafter. Let's say by imitates teacher soybean cake will surely and had future as criminal if we do insincerity.

Hopefully tips way of this correct learning can give benefit for we all, amen.

the best way to use vehicle

Safety in traffic was a serious problems in Indonesia is the existing especially in metropolis like town Jakarta. Is with personal car and also car rental. Driving skills For Life is a ideal way to depress vehicle accident rate of wheel four the existing. And this there are some way of driving good car covers smart driving, protection lives, saving fuel.

1. Applies safety belt ( seatbelt)

Safety belt or seatbelt can protect its(the consumer from injuring which more hard in an accident. Again no matter car type, personal car and also car rental, important applies safety belt.

2. Rear view

Most driver doesn't accomodate its(the rear view and doesn't exploit it as optimal as possible with too much seeing his own vehicle side only.

3. Driver Which Defensive

Driver which defensive must be able to pilot its(the vehicle is quietly ( not strained). And can anticipate situation condition of traffic in front of his(its.

4. Trouble In Berkendara

Drives is dangerous work, for the purpose is required full concentration at the time of we drive. Suggested doesn't phone, smoking and or activity bothering when driving.

5. Keeps distance is safe

Driver which defensive always provides space with front, balakang, and beside. Car x'self and also does rental car Jakarta, this thing is absolute is paid attention.

6. Ideal transmission tooth transfer

Now many strarting vehicle producers designs its(the product with machine technology having level of consumption BBM a real efficient. Including vehicle at company rental car Jakarta. However, machine technology economizing BBM simply not the only aspect which able to guarantee deductible burning material cost. Takes Care Of Rotation per Menit ( RPM ) always below(under 3000 rpm, will make consumption of fuel is more efficient.

7. Utilizes vehicle momentum

When vehicle will come near crossroad, three, traffic light, or wish to slow down, lifts foot/feet from earlier gas pedal and lets car to glide before stepping on brake pedal.

8. Kills vehicle machine

If vehicle desisted and still less silent 20 minutes, hence would more economically if vehicle machine is killed.

9. Pre Start Check

Pre Start Check or initial inspection of vehicle before we do engine start as a mean to looks for existence of damage or problems potency at vehicle ( tire pressure, instalansi lamp)

10. Heavy burden influences consumption BBM

Releases goods that is is not is required from within car. Discharges roof racks if is is not utilized. Applies slow-speed, if is bringing goods with roof racks.


way of vehicle when the rains

Now is the rains. For motorcyclist, rain can bother their journey. Hereunder some tips safe way of berkendara when rain.

* Applies good motorbike tire, and doesn't bald. If tire have been balded and its(the surface smooth, better soon is changed. Tire like that hardly not balmy to used, more than anything else when the rains. Slippery tire or bald able cause accident. If depth of path had less than two mm, be better if its(the tire is changed. And used tire which its(the flower can channel current to exterior. Because, if its(the flower path into, hence that will defile machine.

* Degrades tire pressure. When rain, air pressure at tire better be lessened. Because, with condition of having water road, hence not all surface of tire will patch at asphalt. This condition can endanger, and easy wheel of slip. To avoid the matter, hence tire air pressure better be degraded 3-5 psi. Meagrely is shrunk, hence surface of tire patching at asphalt would more and more, and that is good for lessening the happening of slip.

* Provides always cape or raincoat at jok your motorbike. Raincoat or poison cape modeling pants, and or modeling canal. But in when the rains, practical cape actually pants model. While which canal, can bother other rider, because often berkibar-kibar behind. This condition mneyebabkan can the rider will experience accident.

* Applies standard helmet. By using standard helmet using front cover?conclusion, hence rainwater will not bother view the rider.

* Dabs tobacco at helmet glass. Cigarette tobacco can be used to eliminate gathering of water and dew at helmet glass. Rapid of rainwater frequently, hinders motorcyclist view. More than anything else if helmet used only ordinary helmet and full face, hence atmosphere in helmet becomes changing and that causes helmet glass to dewy. So, by spreading a few cigarette tobaccoes at surface of helmet glass, then then is cleaned, hence guaranteed water will not gather by one places and dew also will lose.

* Doesn't forget, animates headlight when having vehicle in the rains. This thing to show to other rider especially from direction which at the oposite in order not to take other line and constantly within its(the line. Besides, with animating of headlight, hence that thing will assist other driver for allerting.

Form : Online Republika

Kamis, 17 September 2009

Longevity Recipe of FROM Mbah Sayem, Vegetarian!

Is the relation of vegetarian, longevity, and health? Tries hearing comment Mbah Sayem, eldest woman taken care of in Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Yogyakarta Unit Budi Luhur ( Bantul).

Mbah Sayem which its(the age 107 years is explains do not recognize vegetarian term. He only spell out members have never eats fish ( freshwater), chicken, ox, goat, more than anything else seafood. “ I am enggak pain have ever,” he said laughs.

Flesh, said Mbah Sayem, out of favour. Its(the aroma is stinking, different with fresh vegetable. “ I have ever, young time formerly, tries eating lele. But, has just one bites, I am puking direct. really Stinking, likely not delicious,” he/she said in Javanese.

Mbah Sayem confess very likes cookery from cassava leaf processing and vegetable asem. He the cookery its(the coconut mink gravy do not willing to. Of vegetable, also fruit, s(he likes.

Its(the eye still enough cautions ( explains), and so do its(the hearing. He also still liking sings. Bath business able to x'self. Only when runs, foot/feet must be stepped slowly. “ My eye this caution also oppositely actually,” express it in Javanese. Mbah Sayem ahead works as farmer, tills rice field with husband.

So, whom will try ala life recipe Mbah Sayem?



Health trouble can emerge any time, more than anything else if careless us to its(the symptom and cause. Without we realize life style and pattern to eat indisposed is main cause.

Though there is other cause of which cannot be avoided like genetic fakor, contamination of area.

That remain to be healthy, there is many ways to get it. One of them is, follows 7 strike following and gets quality of better life:

1. Cleanness air, lung also healthy

For protected from respiration trouble, breaths in healthy and clean air. Its way ? Not necessarily be busy looks for air pegungungan, morning also hardly good for your lung. Besides avoiding also impure air, like smoke of cigarette, smoke of vehicle or dirt. Cleans house and job(activity room regularly, including furniture, fan and AC.

2. Many drinking white water

White water is the best of any beverage. Accustoms drinking white water 8-10 glasses per day. This habit will assist takes care of fluency of kidney function and channel kemih. Strives to drink warm water between two lights and cold water ( non ice water) day time. Adds also a few juices of lemon orange or lime. Besides good to refreshing x'self, this beverage at the same time assists releases toxin from within body.

3. consumption of Well-balanced and nutritious menu

Select;chooses menu with gizi which is enough, balance, and varies. Multiplies consumption of green vegetables and fruit containing many fibres and nutrient required by fibre body. Can be possibly avoids junk food and processing food, and lessens consumption of salt and sugar. Another, doesn't forget breakfast! Because breakfast can support our activity all day long.

4. Balances between job(activities, athletic and rest

Hard work without rest is not at all there are its(the profit for you. Accustoms regular rest is nocturnal 7-8 hours, and doesn't often begadang or too sleep night. Tried applies spare time time for having athletics light or simply weakening articulation muscles.

With having athletics 2 - 3 times per week, during 30 - 45 minutes, enough making hale body and prunes stamina.

5. Brain job(activity control

Brain, as does our body, him(her also butuh rest. Doesn't too gives burden too much, because brain also has limited memory. Did activity in spare time time making brain to work more easy going, takes example does pleasing hobby, like painting, reads newest novel or just listening music.

6. Experiences life harmoniously

Man was microcosm which must obey nature as macrocosm if s(he wishs remain to healthy. Does it all as preventive effort alwaysly remembers wise people advice for “ makes well before arising thirsty taste”.

Applies common sense! That the key, doesn't sacrifice life with according to x'self hobby through?via habit of ugly life and ice. Takes example, drinks firm, smoking or applies forbidden drugs. Tries to experience life harmoniously, can be possibly minimizes risk the happening of psychical or emotional stres.

7. Applies supplement gizi

Only if needs! Body we require antioxidant ( beta-karoten), ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and selenium. All this matters required by body to increase vitality and lengthens life expectancy. To obtain it many ways which able to be done.

Besides consuming fresh food, can also by the way of consuming supplement of health which many sold in marketing. Better, usage of supplement of food is more suggested as just alternative therapy by majoring supplement type of food which have been checked and useful.


Rabu, 16 September 2009

To be able to enjoy service MMS and GPRS from ProXL, XL Bebas and your Xplor obliged to do activation to the side of XL by the way of contacting telephone number costumer service XL in nomer 818 ( free of charge) or number 021-5795-9818 ( tariff matching with the one which applies). Your activation having taken steps can do setting, good by the way of automatic via on the water, and also which manual, depends on you appetite.

Setting Manual Parameter Melalui SMS Untuk Dapat Terhubung Internet GPRS and MMS ProXL / XL BEBAS / Xplor :

- Types GPRS[SPASI]MERK handphone[spasi]tipe handphone


- Sends to number 9667 ( Tariff Rp 350 once sends)

- you will get sms confirmation of reciprocation from operator XL

- To activate MMS you ready to change code GPRS to become MMS

Setting Manual Parameter Untuk Dapat Terhubung Internet GPRS and MMS ProXL / XL BEBAS / Xplor :

- Connection name : XL GPRS

- Data bearer : GPRS

- APN / Access point name : www.xlgprs.net

- User name : xlgprs

- Prompt Password : No

- Password : proxl

- Authentication : Normal

- Homepage : http://wap.lifeinhand.com

- Connection Security : OFF

- Session mode : permanent

- Phone IP address : Automatic

- Primary name server :

- Secondary name server :


- Port : 9201 ( standard), 8080 ( proxy)
Way Of Activating and Setting Aktifasi GPRS Indosat M3 / IM3 - Network Setting WAP MOBILE INTERNET HANDPHONE / Ponsel Anda

Mon, 03/07/2006 - 12:29am

Special for operator indosatM3 / IM3 didn't require activation at operator since have already is active since beginning of number is activated. Which you required only did configuraton and setting at handset / your handphone sehigga can incircuit with server gprs IM3.

Setting Manual Parameter Untuk Dapat Terhubung Internet GPRS Indosat M3 / IM3 :

- Connection name : M3-gprs

- APN / Access point name : www.indosat-m3.net

- User name : gprs

- Password : im3

- Authentication : Normal

- Homepage : http://wap.indosat-m3.net

- IP address :

- Port : 9201 ( standard), 8080 ( proxy)

Setting Otomatis Parameter Melalui SMS Untuk Dapat Terhubung Internet GPRS Indosat M3 / IM3 :

- Types GPRS[SPASI]MERK hp[spasi]tipe hp

Example : GPRS NOKIA 6600 or GPRS SELENIUM P800

- Sends to number 3939

- you will get sms confirmation of reciprocation from IM3

* telephone operator

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Acer Ferrari Laptop Computers Range
• Technology and innovation of Acer Ferrari are the ultimate driving forces behind mobility comfort and easy of use in Acer’s pursuit of perfection. The Ferrari 1000 features the cutting-edge performance with AMD Turion 64 X2 of dual-core processing power in an exclusive, ultra-lightweight notebook designed for a single purpose: to deliver an ultra-mobile experience and pleasere to use that is second to none.

Senin, 14 September 2009

Laptop HP Pavilion dv3-2150us

$849.98 List,Type: General Purpose, Media,Operating System: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium,Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo T6500,Processor Speed: 2.1 GHz ,RAM: 4 GB,Screen Size: 13.3 inches,Screen Size Type: widescreen, Graphics Card: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD,Storage Capacity: 500 GB,Primary Optical Drive:

newest laptop from dell

Laptop trend superkecil seems to will still going. Portable computer manufacturer of United States, Dell, latter followed merilis compact ultra laptop series by the name of Inspiron Mini 9. As according to its(the name, the laptop sufficiently small dimension. Only 22,8 x 17 x 3 cm. Wt. only around 1 kg. Penampil picture applies [screen/sail] glossy fairish LED 8,9 inchs.

Its(the processor using Intel? AtomTM is having capacities 1,6 GHZ, 512 kb L2 cache, and 533 MHZ FSB. The device have been equiped with Wi-Fi 802,11g mini-card and three slots USB 2,0. To support comfort is having internet, Dell Inspiron Mini 9 also is equiped with battery Li-Ion which is resistant is used until four hours.

For mini laptop series of that, Dell cooperates with situs data store so called Boxnet. Every owner of Inspiron Mini 9 automatically gets space storage of data in situs equal to 2 GB. The capacities diekspan able to so reaching 25 GB.

Dell Inspiron Mini 9 is available in two colour choices, obsidian of black and alpine of white. There is three capacity of memory choices, namely 4 GB, 8 GB, and 16 GB. For the mini laptop, there is two price choices. Namely, USD 399 ( equivalent Rp 3,7 million) for Inspiron Mini 9 operating system Windows XP, while USD 349 ( equivalent Rp 3,24 million) for version Ubuntu Linux 8,04.

harga laptop zyrex

cruiser 365
price Laptop Rp.6 599 000.00
Intel Core 2 Duo T6400, SiS M672 + SiS 968 Chipset,2GB DDR2, 160GB HDD, DVD Super Multi, 7 in 1 Card Reader, Wifi, 56K Modem,LAN/Network Camera, 13.3" Glare TFT Widescreen
Product Details,
Please Call 021-5653311

Cruiser 616

price Notebook Rp.5 399 000.00
Core 2 Duo T6400, SiS M672 + SiS 968 Chipset, 1GB DDR2, 160GB HDD, DVD Super Multi, Wifi, 56K Modem,LAN/Network Camera, 14.1" WXGA
Product Details,
Please Call 021-5653311

Ellipse EGT 596

priceRp.5 999 000.00
price Laptop Rp.5 499 000.00
You Save: Rp.500 000.00
Pentium Dual Core T2390, SiS M672 + SiS 968 Chipset, 1GB DDR2, 160GB HDD, DVD Super Multi, 7 in 1 Card Reader, Wifi, 56K Modem,LAN/Network Camera, 14.1" WXGA
Product Details,
Please Call 021-5653311

llipse 232

Harga Laptop ini Rp.4 799 000.00
Intel Pentium Dual Core T2390, SiS M672 + SiS 968 Chipset, 1GB DDR2, 160GB HDD, DVD Super Multi, 7 in 1 Card Reader, Wifi, 56K Modem,LAN/Network Camera, 14" WXGA
Product Details,
Please Call 021-5653311

Ellipse 434

Rp.4 999 000.00
Intel Pentium Dual Core T3400, SiS M672 + SiS 968 Chipset, 1GB DDR2, 160GB HDD, DVD Super Multi, 7 in 1 Card Reader, Wifi, 56K Modem,LAN/Network Camera, 14" WXGA
Product Details,
Please Call 021-5653311

3 newest laptop from acer

You are looking for new Acer laptop? Possibly this can become one of your create reference if(when your choice drops at merk Acer. This of we are not only informs 1 newest model, but we refer 3 newest Acer model type

Your Create which wish to have goodly laptop of imut, it is possible that Aspire 3935 of course compatible made you. Not too big or not undersize. Of the size 13,3 inchi, this laptop has resolution 1366 x 768. Besides, its(the keyboard is also touch-sensitive, multigesture touchpad, webcam, three fruit of USB 20 ports, fingerprint reader, 80211 a/g/draft-N and 4-cell Li-ion battery.

There is again, besides merk laptop Acer which properly draws attention we are type T7350. This type laptop supplied 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, graphically 4500MHD, 8x DVD writer, 3Gb LOUVRE, 250Gb HDD and Vista Home Premium SP1.

So, if you searching wish to which more powerfull, there is newest model that is 8935G Gemstone PC with a real wide [screen/sail] 184 inchi, applies Intel Core 2 Duo, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670, 1080p resolution, 4x Blu-Ray writer, 500Gb HDD which can be upgraded to become 1TB. Wuah, sure this can accomodate many files and it is of course compatible very create they which love to collect video or music in number big. Third this laptop type officially will be marketed around month of June 2009 coming. So, in act to of nabung from now yes if wish to had 1 from third of this Acer laptop!

Categories: Hardware Computer

Tags: 8935G Gemstone PC, acer, Aspire 3935, laptop, Notebook, T7350


Available in Silky Black, Burgundy Red
Intel Core 2 Duo SU9300 – 1.20 GHz
Windows Vista Business
Memory 2 GB DDR3
HDD 120 GB
11.1” WXGA
VGA: Intel GMA 4500 MHD – 64 MB (upto 797 MB)
DVDRW Double Layer
Bluetooth, Fingerprint
Camera Effective Pixels 640 x 480
Weight 1.3 Kg
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 1,799

Available in Silky Black, Burgundy Red, Grace Gold
Intel Core 2 Duo SU9400 – 1.40 GHz
Windows Vista Business
Memory 2 GB DDR3
HDD 160 GB
11.1” WXGA
VGA: Intel GMA 4500 MHD – 64 MB (upto 797 MB)
DVDRW Double Layer
Bluetooth, Fingerprint
Camera Effective Pixels 640 x 480
Weight 1.3 Kg
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 1,999

Available in Jet Black, Pure White, Luxury Pink
Intel Core Duo T3400 – 2.16 GHz
Windows Vista Home Premium
Memory 1 GB DDR2
HDD 250 GB
14.1” WXGA
VGA: Intel GMA 4500 MHD – 128 MB (upto 317 MB)
DVDRW Double Layer
Camera 1.3 Mega Pixel
Weight 2.6 Kg
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 1,049

Available in Jet Black, Pure White, Luxury Pink
Noble Brown, Blazing Red
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 – 2.26 GHz
Windows Vista Home Premium
Memory 2 GB DDR2
HDD 250 GB
14.1” WXGA
VGA: NVIDIA® GeForce® 9300M GS – 128 MB (upto 894 MB)
DVDRW Double Layer
Camera 1.3 Mega Pixel
Weight 2.6 Kg
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 1,499

Available in Black, Silver, Pink
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 – 2.26 GHz
Windows Vista Home Premium
Memory 2 GB DDR2
HDD 250 GB
13.3” WXGA
VGA: Intel GMA 4500 MHD – 128 MB (upto 829 MB)
DVDRW Double Layer
Camera 1.3 Mega Pixel
Weight 1.92 Kg
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 1,549

Available in Black, Silver, Pink
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 – 2.26 GHz
Windows Vista Business
Memory 3 GB DDR2
HDD 250 GB
13.3” WXGA
VGA: ATI Radeon HD3470 – 256 MB (upto 1534 MB)
DVDRW Double Layer
Bluetooth, Fingerprint
Camera 1.3 Mega Pixel
Weight 1.96 Kg
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 1,799

Available in White
Intel Core 2 Duo T5800 – 2.0 GHz
Windows Vista Home Premium
Memory 2 GB DDR2
HDD 250 GB
16.4” WXGA
VGA: ATI Radeon HD3470 – 256 MB (upto 1022 MB)
DVDRW Double Layer
Camera 1.3 Mega Pixel
Weight 3.1 Kg
Dolby Sound Room
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 1,449

Available in Black
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 – 2.26 GHz
Windows Vista Home Premium
Memory 3 GB DDR2
HDD 320 GB
16.4” WXGA
VGA: ATI Radeon HD3470 – 256 MB (upto 1533 MB)
DVDRW Double Layer
Camera 1.3 Mega Pixel
Weight 3.1 Kg
Dolby Sound Room
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 1,649

Available in Titanium Grey
Intel Core 2 Duo P9400 – 2.53 GHz
Windows Vista Home Premium
Memory 4 GB DDR2
HDD 500 GB
16.4” WXGA
VGA: ATI Radeon HD3650 – 256 MB (upto 1533 MB)
Blu-Ray Drive
Camera 1.3 Mega Pixel
Weight 3.1 Kg
Dolby Sound Room
1 Year Warranty Sony Indonesia
Price USD 2,999